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Cherry Lemonade Recipe

Cherry Lemonade Recipe www.Health4UandPets.com

Staying hydrated for the summer doesn’t have to be boring! Amp up your H2O game by making this delicious lemonade recipe using our Minerals & Antioxidants - packed with all the nutrients your body needs and none of the sugar it doesn’t. Follow along for a refreshment that’s perfect for sipping poolside.

What We Love About Minerals & Antioxidants:

  • Contains 74-plant based, naturally chelated trace minerals as well as antioxidants from 10 nutrient-rich superfruits including acai, cranberry, goji, maqui and pomegranate
  • It’s got a high ORAC value, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and it's a way of measuring the free-radical fighting antioxidant level.
  • No harmful chemicals. Our formula is made with coconut water and aloe vera and it does’t contain any added sugar, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.
  • Gives you sustained energy for the day.

Servings: 4
Prep Time: 10 min 
Total Time: 10 min 

Cherry Lemonade Recipe - www.Health4UandPets.com



  1. Combine lemon juice and maple syrup in a pitcher.
  2. Stir in water. Add more water or maple syrup to achieve your desired taste.
  3. Add four scoops of Cherry Flavored Life’s Abundance Minerals & Antioxidants
  4. Add your mint and lemon slices.
  5. Enjoy!

Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. 

Original post can be seen here on the Life's Abundance blog.

Shop for Life's Abundance Nutritional Supplements www.Health4UandPets.com

Enjoy your day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek


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