Herbal Remedies for Dogs & Cats

Is your dog or cat suffering from joint problems? Did you know that supplements are the best way to help? When you buy food that has "joint healing ingredients" there is no way to properly dispense the correct amount. For example, say Fido gets 1 cup of food each day that is fortified with Glucosamine, MSM, sea mussels and hyaluronic acid. How do you know that 1 cup of food equals the correct amount Fido should be getting? Also, what happens if Fido needs a little more because it's cold... Read more →

Enjoy your day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek

Dr. Sarah’s back with a brand new episode of Pet Talk to discuss one of nature’s nasty little creatures, ticks, revealing how you and your companion animals can deal with these blood-sucking menaces. Unfortunately, tick populations have blossomed in recent years, a bane to almost anyone who enjoys the great outdoors. And, with tick season about to begin, you need to know how to protect – and defend – against these disease-carrying critters. Dr. Sarah shares her best tips and dispels common myths about how to handle one of nature’s... Read more →

Enjoy your day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek

Whether you have decided to roam the world on a summer vacation, or decided to stay close to home, known as the popular staycation, if you have 4-legged family members -- you have some decisions to make!! As pet owners, it is important that you keep in mind the effects either type of holiday may have on your furry friends. Whether you have a cat or dog, pets rarely like changes in routine - ours or theirs. Our daily schedule usually consists of work and home, and pets become accustomed... Read more →

Enjoy your day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek